Street Art

All across Europe there is beautiful street art to be seen. It’s not graffiti (or at least not just graffiti) and my wife is fairly obsessed with it as an art form. Everywhere we go, she is always on the lookout for more, and when she finds some, she has me photograph it. This is my favourite from the recent batches. 

I should really put together a collection of all of it one of these days!


Canyons Resort by night in Park City, Utah

It’s that time again. The Automattic Grand Meetup! And a few of us Automattician photographers have been going crazy this time around. There have been several photography-themed activities, including a night photo excursion tonight.

I don’t know how many shots I’ll be posting, but I really liked this one!

The Canyons Resort

Two . . . um . . . “elves”

For the first time in 20 years, I am not either working at a Renaissance Festival or getting a degree in Renaissance History (I took a couple of years off to get my MA). It’s not stopped me from visiting a couple of times though.

These two guys were having a great time goofing around and I got a ton of photos of them and their shenanigans. I even got one of the guy on the right trying on what was basically a medieval gimp mask and making kissy faces. It was . . . it was creepy.
Two . . . um . . . "elves"

A Day in the Life of an Automattician

As you (probably) know, I am an Automattician . . . I’m a Happiness Engineer for Automattic, the company behind, VaultPress, Akismet, Cloudup, and a whole host of other amazing products.

Over the coming weeks you are probably going to see a bunch of other employees posting a blow-by-blow of what we do throughout our day. We have a really unique setup; we are completely distributed as a company meaning we all work from home for most of the year (at least one week we all get together for a Grand Meetup, and we also travel to conferences, which you’ll see pictures of throughout this blog).

A couple of notes:

  • I have very long days. I generally work 7am to 6pm, but only from Sunday through Wednesday. This was so that I could take time to site-see more when I was traveling through Europe with my family, but I’ve kept up with it because I really like the schedule.
  • If you get through the entire day you’ll read about a pretty massive mistake I made. With some companies a person could get fired for what I did. Not here. The mistake was made, it was corrected, we fixed how the problem COULD get made, and we moved on. Call it a win.
  • I work in our Community department. Everything is fully public facing. Some queues are just questions asked directly by users (termed “staff answers”), some are questions which are curated by Volunteers (who are AMAZING) and passed on to us when necessary (called “modlook”).

Thus begins the day of Sunday, 5 October 2014:

My son, Malcolm, wakes up and starts screaming his fool head off. My brother-in-law’s band had a concert last night so my wife, Kendra, and I didn’t get to bed until pretty late. Though I usually get up with him on days that I work, she was sweet enough to get up with him today. Faith in the institution of marriage: restored.

Alarm goes off and it’s time to get up for work. I brush my teeth and grab my laptop. Work emails are loading by 7:04.

New emails have been read (there aren’t many since I stayed on top of things for once this weekend) and I start going through the older emails/P2s which I flagged from earlier in my weekend for follow up. This takes a bit longer since we’ve got quite a few things going on these days.

Start catching up on Slack backscroll. This also takes a LONG. WHILE.

Finally able to start in on FRs (Feedback Received, any replies to tickets which we’ve already done). I don’t have any tickets in our older legacy system, Kayako, but I have about a dozen tickets in our newer ticket review program, TQR. We always tackle responses as quickly as possible so that even if our users had to wait a little while to get their first response, they won’t have to wait any longer than necessary to get things fully managed.

Malcolm goes down for his nap. Yay!

Wrote out an entire HG Ticket and write as I was about to submit it, I went to get a final piece of information buried in the user Report Card and answered my own question. Was incredibly relieved that I didn’t waste anyone’s time but my own!

Starting in on new tickets. Modlook and Staff Answers are in the 130s and 90s respectively. Even if the queue wasn’t higher, I’d be doing Modlook as the tickets are frequently older (a user will post a question in the forum and we don’t necessarily find it immediately. Plus tickets continue to get modlooked over the weekend, even on Sundays). Oldest tickets today were originally created well over 2 weeks ago, as an example.

My family has a family-wide breakfast every two weeks on a weekend day. No matter what my wife says, these breakfasts were MY IDEA! 😉 We weren’t able to do it yesterday, and so it’s being held today. Breakfast is ready and I now have 3 toddlers trying to press keys on my laptop. Time for a break for some family time and some delicious brunch! 🙂

Foooood commmaaaa. Back to tickets, energy drink in hand. Please see this recipe for super-amazing biscuits n’ gravy casserole which currently has the other half of my BFF necklace.

Restarting 1/2 of the current soundtrack of my life: Tangled. Can’t handle Cars today.

Tangled is over. Kendra is up from her nap (she hasn’t been feeling well), and they are playing games which supposedly do not distract me. The fact that I’m recording this fact here shows how successful they are. Goal of said game seems to involve a competition to see who can be more OCD in the arrangement of toys according to colour, size, and shape. I don’t know which of the two I should be more worried about.

Modlook is down to 100 and 5 days.

SHIT. I apparently took down the entirety of by setting it to Private when I was trying to set one of my test blogs to private. It was private for 48 minutes. Doing my best not to hyperventalate. .com is already back up and the way this occurred has apparently happened to several others, but it was really nice not being one of them.

Posted to WHTA to let everyone know what happened about setting .com to private, just in case there is any fallout. Thus far there doesn’t seem to be any.

Back to work! Needed a break after . . . all of that . . . Tons of support from everyone, and I feel much less like a great big idiot. 🙂

An early finish today. Mostly because a toddler is currently insisting that it is HIS turn to play with the keyboard instead of me.

So there you have it! A day in the life. And because this is a photography blog first and foremost and always, here is a photo of Automatticians not working TOO hard at our most recent Grand Meetup!

GM - Working hard.

The Automattic 2014 Grand Meetup Photowalk

Every year the employees of Automattic, the folks behind, VaultPress, Akismet, Jetpack, and a host of other amazing products gets together for a week to socialize, build more stuff, and generally have a great time. This year we are doing so in Park City, Utah and the photographers amongst our numbers got together one morning for a photowalk down the main street. Here are my photos!